Sampling & Analysis

Welcome to Arctic Fox Environmental, Inc.

Arctic Fox Environmental, Inc. (Arctic Fox) is an Alaskan owned corporation with an analytical laboratory in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

Arctic Fox maintains a very high standard of quality control in its analytical services. Our analyses are performed using procedures approved by EPA, ADEC or professional associations such as ASTM and standard methods.

Arctic Fox Environmental, Inc. now performs the following additional in-house analyses at our Prudhoe Bay laboratory:

Total Benzene  •  TCLP Benzene  •  Total VOC  •  TCLP VOC
LT2  •  Total Coliform  •  Fecal Coliform
  •  TCLP Metals (RCRA)  •  Total Metals
Legionella  •  BOD  •  TDS  •  TSS
PID • pH • FP • OC • Mold Assessments / Toxic Mold Testing

In-house testing allows us to improve response time.

Our Services
Microbiology Services
analytical testing for water, wastewater, and toxic mold
Environmental Chemistry Testing
analyses for baseline monitoring
sampling services for biological, chemical, environmental and hazardous waste projects, including the “Contaminated Sites” program.
The lab is operated on a 24 hour per day/seven day per week basis for accepting and analyzing samples and for collecting samples in and around the Prudhoe Bay oilfield.
Methods, Transportation, Shipping and Sample Information

Employee Experience and Qualifications
For your convenience we are open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year!
Contact Information
Arctic Fox Envrironmental, Inc.
Phone: (907) 659-2145
When Ralph is not on the Slope feel free to contact him any time at (509) 929-5553.
Arctic Fox Env., Inc.   -   Pouch 340043   -   Prudhoe Bay, AK 99734   -   Phone: (907) 659-2145   -   Fax: (907) 659-2146
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