General Sampling Information
Arctic Fox is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, including holidays.
Arctic Fox's standard turnaround time varies depending upon the type of analytical service provided. Please consult with Arctic Fox for details of what is considered standard TAT for the Services requested. Expedited TAT surcharges are applied for all work requested and processed sooner than standard TAT.
Bottles will be supplied free of charge. Arctic Fox will provide sample kits, such as sample containers, labels, Chain of Custody forms, custody seals, etc.
Travel blanks will be provided.
Arctic Fox agrees to perform the Service in substantial conformity with applicable regulations and/or other written specifications supplied by the client. Services performed by Arctic Fox will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession in the same locality under similar conditions. Arctic Fox agrees all services, including but not limited to, all deliverables supplied in connection with the performance of the services, found to be defective (defined as unusable) will be re-performed, replaced, or repaired, to the client's satisfaction and at Arctic Fox's expense.